Selasa, 05 April 2011

Tulisan bahasa inggris bisnis

Business Opportunities Ice Cream (Hard Ice Cream)

Hard ice cream is ice cream with the usually more coarse texture than ice cream soft. As an example of hard ice cream is ice cream and ice cream Campina others that are usually sold in plastic packaging. Traditional Ice Cream Making, by way of reduced temperature by placing the ice cream mixture into a container inserted into the broken ice and salt mixture. Salt makes liquid water can be below the freezing point of pure water, making it a touch uneven container with water and ice. Ice Cream Maker tool is usually made of zinc or Stailess, called Es Puter Tools.
Although the term ice cream is often used to refer to the "dessert" frozen and snack foods, but actually used unuk pointed to the "dessert" frozen and snack consisting of milk fat. Many countries, including the United States, restrict the use of the term is based on the quantity of ingredients.
How to make hard ice cream is also not difficult. Here are the steps in making hard ice cream
1. Provide ice cream ingredients
Materials can be either ice cream powder ice cream ready to use or make your own. Could also uses liquid dairy ingredients are combined with sugar and flavorings according to taste
2. Put it in ice cream machine
Material that had been prepared incorporated into the hard ice cream machine about 15-20 minutes. On hard ice cream machine, will be mixed material was accompanied by the cooling process

3. Ready presented
When finished mixed with ice cream machine, then the ice cream ready to be served. Presentation of ice cream can be a variety of ways. You can direct meyajikan ice cream, or by adding other ingredients such as: milk, chocolate, nuts, etc.. Thus presenting the ice cream will be increasingly attractive

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis (seminar)

Department of Management Faculty of Economics, University of Gunadarma held a Seminar on Dissemination of Research Results Management Science, held at Campus A University Gunadarma Kalimalang

Dean of Faculty of Economics, University of Gunadarma Toto Sugiarto, Ir, MSc, PhD said, the event was held for ordinary students to do research, at least make a good thesis for those who already received permission from the faculty. As for regular faculty to do research because of the many competitions held by the government and private sector

Currently, he said, a lot of competition for lecturers including competitive grants for all faculty who were not much to gain. He also mentions, by chance he ever get Grant International publication whose articles will be published by one journal in Canada.

"We will try to encourage students and also lecturers for bias perform well in national and international stage," he said.

Faculty of Economics, University Gunadarma, he added, will go international by the year 2010 with Laurentian University in Canada will play host to take you to the wider world, "he said.

Furthermore Toto explains, will form a selection team that entered and eligible papers to be presented at the conference. He invited the students to do research and if not perfect in English. "Do not be afraid because we will help to improve," he said. " It is quite possible there are students from the campus Kalimalang the bias appears in the International Conference on Bali. "

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Department of Management Sciences Murtono S. Faith, PhD presenting on a variety of reasons why someone should investigate. "Measuring the ability of researching, there is a good read, enjoy writing, the value is high. There is also a rarely read often write, its value is low, rarely enjoyed reading writing, its value is high and does not like to read, do not enjoy writing, its value is low, "he said

Dr. M Abdul Mukhyi, lecturers and researchers from the Faculty of Economics, University Gunadarma on the occasion, describes his experiences as a researcher.According Mukhyi, wrote that it seems easy but hard, especially to begin the introductory chapter. Therefore, always carry a pen and paper everywhere go "Once the ad aide, wrote directly because if delayed bias forget," he said.

After writing ideas, biases in consultation with the lecturer. "Lecturers will definitely help lead," he said. He also reminded not to make the title if the process is already running. "Bias was not fit and like to be forced, it would funny," he said.

He has the experience to guide students in Klimalang who do research in local government of Bekasi. "Only 2 months of completion and now so civil servants in the Office of Budget place to do research," he said. In addition, he also presented important tips that should be a researcher.

Last chance is to listen to an explanation from Secretary of Department of Management Sciences University Gunadarma Dra. Lies Hendrijaningsih, MM regarding submission of thesis for students debriefing.